Everything you need to know about innovations!
The training bundle “Innovations in Logistics” combines everything there is to know about innovations. Whether it’s about digital transformation in general, current trends and technologies in logistics, or the concrete implementation of strategies and concepts. With the extensive range of #LogisticsGoesHighTech, you are on the right track.
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Contents of the bundle
The training bundle “Innovations in Logistics” by Marco Prueglmeier and Alexander Pinker offers you a fully comprehensive insight into the innovation landscape of the logistics industry.
- Online course (Innovations)
- Online course (Logistics of the future)
- Online course (Implementation)
- Keynote by the experts
Discount on further keynotes - One-on-one coaching 1h each with the experts Marco Prueglmeier and Alexander Pinker
- Q&A via e-mail
- A signed book
- A 1×1 of innovation terms, implementation guide and templates